Monday, October 5, 2015

October Begins

Good Morning and Happy Monday - October 5th. Shockingly we are two weeks away from the end of the first quarter and YES, that includes this week! I honestly can't believe it.

I'd like to begin today by reminiscing about Friday's mentor meeting. Please respond to the following:

  • What did you think of the mentor event as a whole? Was it what you expected? Why or why not?
  • What did you enjoy about the mentor meeting?
  • Was there anything that you did not enjoy about the mentor meeting?
  • Do you feel like you made a good first impression on your mentor? What would you have changed about your interaction, if anything?
  • Did your mentor make a good first impression on you? Why or why not? What could they have done differently if anything?
  • Now that you have gotten a taste of the program and who you'll be working with this year, what specifically do you want to get out of it?
Thanks for your honest and, of course, thoughtful feedback. After completing the blog, we are going to walk through how to animate our car driving so that you have an outstanding finished product by the end of the day tomorrow!

Lastly - as I mentioned at the start of the post, we are incredibly close to the end of the quarter. We do have a few more assignments that need to get done before the quarter ends on October 16th but I want to make sure everyone is successfully completing each assignment. Today, please work on completing your car driving (due by 10/8 at the latest):

Once complete, please also post this animation to your blog and respond to the following questions:
  • Describe the assignment you just completed. What was the task and what needed to be done in order for you to successfully complete the assignment?
  • What new skills did you learn from completing this assignment? Be specific and use correct names for the different tools you needed to use to complete the assignment. ie Classic Motion Guide, Keyframes, symbols, etc. Reread the assignment description or watch the tutorial to remind yourself
  • Was the assignment easy to complete? Did you have any trouble? What did you have trouble with and how did you resolve the issue? What was the most fun aspect of the project and the most challenging?
  • In this assignment you made a car drive with rotating wheels, you used a pan and zoom effect and even incorporated a shape tween.  What other ideas do you have for animations you could now successfully create using similar tools to the ones used in this project?
Thanks for doing a great job!!
Mr. Rubin

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