Wednesday, January 6, 2016

From Perseverance to the Pursuit of Happiness

Wait for it ... we're getting there!  All of this build up will culminate with you reflecting on your abilities and capabilities next week!  Today, however, we are going to continue our theme of the week by watching the Pursuit of Happyness, a movie inspired by the true story of Chris Gardner.  The movie explores hope, the ability of a man to overcome odds and, really, the ability to dream ... all of this while we view some of the darkest days of Chris Gardner's life.

As you watch the movie, please think about the following questions.  You may want to take out a sheet of paper and even jot down some notes.
  • Describe Chris Gardner’s family and financial situation at the beginning of this movie.
  • What is the time frame of this movie? What are some of the indications of the unstable economic climate in the United States at the time?
  • What are the skills mentioned that are necessary for someone to become a successful stockbroker? 
  • At one point in the movie, the main character, Chris Gardner, states that “maybe happiness can only be pursued but no one can ever have it”. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain. 
  • Do you think Chris would have worked so hard to achieve his goals, if his wife had not left him? 
  • What are some of the things Chris was forced to do to make ends meet while he was finishing his stockbroker training? 
  • At a point in the movie when Chris and his son are shooting baskets, Chris tells his son “If you have a dream, you have to protect it. When people can’t do something they will tell you that you can’t do it either.” In this situation what dream does his son have? 
  • How do you feel about the above statement? Do you think others are negative and prevent others from trying to achieve success to prevent others from failing? Explain your reasoning.
  • At the end of the movie, did Chris Gardner achieve his goals? If so, why do you think he was successful? 
  • Is it necessary to achieve financial success to ensure personal happiness? 
  • Do you believe that anyone has a chance to achieve whatever they want to in our society? Why or why not? Be sure to list any specific things you can that explain why people would be able to achieve or would not be able to achieve anything. 

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