Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Block Day Post 9/9-9/10

Good Morning! It's already our block day for the week and Friday I won't see you here in the classroom since we're headed to Shoreline Park for the day!! I'll see you on the water though :) I'm excited - it should be a really fun day!! Today we are working towards completing our "Working With Layers and Keyframes" assignment and posting it to both Schoology and our blog.  A reminder to double and triple check the requirements in Schoology and/or School Loop where all of the assignment details are posted. For this assignment you are required to use a minimum of 4 layers to create a background image, a plane flying from one side of your screen to the other while doing a flip in the air as it follows a motion guide. Work to have a very detailed background as you use this as an opportunity to develop new skills using a variety of drawing tools. Remember, the more creativity, the better.  Once you have completed the assignment, post it to be Schoology as a .swf file and to youtube as a Quicktime file so that you are able to embed it on your blog.  In addition to posting the video on your blog, be sure to respond to the following questions:
  1. Describe the assignment you just completed?  What was the task and what needed to be done in order for you to successfully complete the assignment?
  2. What new skills did you learn from completing this assignment?  Be specific and use correct names for the different tools you needed to use to complete the assignment.  ie Classic Motion Guide, Keyframes, etc.
  3. Was the assignment easy to complete?  Did you have any trouble?  What did you have trouble with and how did you resolve the issue?  What was the most fun aspect of the project and the most challenging?
  4. Besides making a plane fly using these new skills, what other types of animations could you make successfully now using similar tools to the ones used in this project?
Once you have finished your assignment and posted to the blog that's it for today.  You should use any additional time you have (if any) to complete work for your classes that is either due soon or is past due.  In addition, remember you will be missing your non-academy classes on Friday - it is important to complete the work for those classes so the teachers will sign your permission slips in the future!

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